Overall Thoughts
The Gate Between Worlds was the 2nd of my EXIT escapades and my goodness was it a difficult box.
This box took a totally different approach to the first EXIT box which meant refiguring out how to play the game. Rather than following riddle cards (There is only 1) you are travelling through an interdimensional gate between worlds. Each world represented as its own little puzzle book. As stated above this box is by far one of the hardest I've done due to the complexity and logic jumps in some of the puzzles. Where possible we refrained from using help cards but inevitably had to use some.
There was a large variety of puzzle types in this box some significantly easier than others. Travelling to the different worlds really added an element of immersion to the game, looking forward to venturing to the next world before you'd even finished your current.
The EXIT games are always so creative but the finale for this game has to have one of the coolest puzzle reveals I've seen to date.
Team - 2 players
Outcome - Escaped
Time Elapsed - 2 hours 22 minutes
Stars Obtained - 4 stars
Hints Used - 4
Final Review
Difficulty - 4.5 / 5
Puzzles - 3 / 5
Theming - 3 / 5
Creativity - 4 / 5
Enjoyment - 3 / 5
Value For Money - 5 / 5
Overall Score - 3.5 / 5
Link - https://store.thamesandkosmos.com/collections/escape-room-games/products/exit-the-gate-between-worlds
Sneak Peek